Mobile App Testing Tools allow you to test your Android and iOS apps automatically. These Mobile Application testing tools can cut down on the amount of time it takes to complete a test and the likelihood of human error.
The following is a hand-picked list of the best open-source (free) mobile automation testing tools.
TestProject is the world’s first free community-powered and cloud-based test automation platform, allowing users to quickly and easily test Android and iOS applications across all operating systems. Using Selenium and Appium, you can easily cooperate with your team to assure quality and speed. Use TestProject’s sophisticated SDK to design programmed tests, create and use addons, or use advanced built-in recording features, all for free!
Apptim enables mobile testers and developers to quickly test and analyze their apps’ performance in each build, preventing important errors from being released to the public. Track app render times, resource utilization, power consumption, crashes, problems, and more on Android and iOS devices.
Appium is an open-source and a cross-platform testing tool for both hybrid and native iOS devices. It works with Android versions 2.3 and higher. Appium is a server that runs in the background, similar to a selenium server.
Appium mobile automation testing tool supports the WebDriver library’s numerous programming languages, including Ruby, Java, C#, and others. Appium runs tests using the WebDriver interface.
Appium automates Android by utilizing Google’s UIAutomator library, which is included in the Android SDK. It can control Chrome and Safari on mobile devices. You may sync it with the TestNG testing framework. In this situation, UI Automator can generate useful and thorough reports, similar to those generated by Ranorex.
The most widely used automated software testing tool is Selenium. It was created to automate the testing of functional parts of web-based applications across various platforms and browsers. When compared to other testing tools, Selenium requires far fewer resources. This website testing tool supports many well-known programming languages, including Java, Python, C#, Perl, PHP, and JavaScript.
Apache JMeter
JMeter is an open-source load testing tool developed by Apache. It’s a Java desktop program that lets you load functional tests and track website performance. The program was originally designed to load test web applications, but it has now been modified to include other test purposes.
Sikuli is a GUI-based open-source test automation tool. It is mostly used to interact with web page elements and to manage windows-based popups. Sikuli uses the “Image Recognition” and “Control GUI” techniques to interact with parts of web pages and windows popups. All site elements in Sikuli are saved as pictures and preserved within the project.
Watir is a cross-platform open-source web application performance testing tool. It makes use of Ruby libraries to automate web browsers. It’s one of the best open-source test automation tools since it interacts with a browser in the same way that a human does, clicking links, filling out forms, and validating content.
The most extensively used web-based open-source test management solution is Test-link. It synchronizes the requirements and test specifications at the same time. This program allows users to establish a test project and document test cases. You may create accounts for many users and assign different user roles with Test-Link. Admin users can manage test cases in assigned jobs.
There are a plethora of mobile app testing service tools on the market. Some of them are free, while others cost money. Some of these automation tools have been around for a long time, while others are new to the market. Each tool is distinct and has its own set of qualities.
Because of the wide variety of automation tools available, choosing the ideal one for a project can be challenging, and testers frequently find up with tools that do not meet project needs. As a result, selecting the appropriate technology for your project is critical.