Best Women Safety Apps in India

In recent past women safety has become the biggest concern of India. People are concerned about their loved ones and want to be updated at every point of time about the whereabouts. However, this is not so feasible to update all the time. But in the modern age, there are many ways to address the concern. There are many apps that are dedicated for the women safety. Here are the best women safety apps available in India.

Smart Sahar Women Safety Shield Protection

Smart Sahar Women Safety Shield ProtectionThis is one of the best apps for women safety. It allows you to take picture and the photo along with the location will be automatically sent to list of emergency contacts predefined by you. You can also have the ‘Walk with Me’ feature that enables real time position tracking to download this app please visit “Google Play Store” or just click on this link to download this app “Download Smart Shehar Safety Shield


VithU Mobile AppThis is another app that helps you to be safe. It is activated with the power button. The app sends the message ” I am in danger, I need help” with location to predefined contacts. To download this app in your mobile click on “Google Play Store

Suspect Registry for women

Suspect Registry for womenThis app enables you to automatically send the location upon hitting the panic button along with the recording. The image of the incident gets posted automatically to the Facebook page of the app. Click here to download this app “Google Play Store“.

Scream Alarm

Scream AlarmThis is a simple app that starts screaming in a woman voice upon hitting the button. Perfect for females that need some kind of safety alarm. Feeling insecure while walking down the park? Have the app on, and instantly push the button if you feel threatened! Download it from here “Google Play Store“.


BSafeIt gives you the privilege for real time tracking with GPS trail. If you haven’t checked in then the alarm goes off with message, siren, video, image. It’s packed with features for both everyday safety and real emergencies, making it the ultimate safety tool for you and everyone you love. bSafe puts safety in YOUR hand – for FREE! Set up your own personal social safety network today. Download it from  Google play store right now or click here “Download Bsafe App

Pukar- A Personal Safety App

Pukar- A Personal Safety AppIt is a personal app for the women safety. It sends SMS alert with GPS location to local police (in select cities) and their predefined emergency contacts. It also works silently and dim the screen. You can download it from here “Google Play Store“.

Women Safety Help Totem SOS

Women Safety Help Totem SOSThis is a unique app for the women safety. It lets you choose different levels of danger and acts accordingly. If you are safe, then it is denoted by green, if not sure then Yellow and if you are in danger then Red. The Red status allows you to dial 100 automatically and sends location and takes photo in every 10 seconds. In case of Yellow, it sends the GPS location to the emergency contacts in a fix interval of time. Click on below link to download this app “Google Play Store“.

Raksha- Women Safety Alert

Raksha- Women Safety AlertIt sends the location just by pressing the volume button. It can also dial 100 and send SMS even without mobile internet. This is one of the best safety apps. Download it from here “Google Play Store

I Go Safely

I Go Safely appIf you shake your phone or unplug your headphone, as the app is open, it gets activated. It starts sending emergency SMS along with GPS location and 30 second audio in every minute until you off the alarm. Download it from here “Google Play Store

Smart 24*7

Smart 24x7In a panic situation, it records voices and takes photographs and sends it to the emergency contacts and police. The real time movement can also be tracked with this app. Download this app from here “Google Play Store“.

Women Safety Secured

Women Safety SecuredThis is another app that recognizes the shouting and crying as the signal of distress. It automatically sends SMS to emergency contacts regarding the same. To download click here “Google Play Store“.

Nirbhaya Be Fearless

Nirbhaya Be FearlessThis app lets you send SOS message, phone call or Facebook post. You can share your location in every two hours and 300 meters change in position to selected contacts. Download Nirbhaya Be Fearless app from here “Google Play Store“.


SafetipinThis is another unique app that shows the directions to safe locations. It also helps you to get the GPS tracking and shows the safe and unsafe location with the safetipin. You can always have the app in Hindi as well. Download this app “Google Play Store“.

Circle of 6

Circle of 6This app lets you connect with 6 contacts including you. In case of emergency, it sends the SMS alert as the safety messages. Download from here Google Play Store.

Being Safe

Being Safe app image

This is very useful app that can be used for safety. You can send the location in case of emergency to the desired people in the contact list. The best part is that there are no limitations of the contact list you can download it from here “Google Play Store“.

The apps are best in the industry and are helping women in case of distress and emergency.